
Make Easier the Complex UAE Embassy Attestation in Delhi: Your Passage to Dubai

The United Arab Emirates, more dearly referred to as the UAE, is a vibrant place, thereby desiring to maintain a standard of living through dream careers and educational opportunities. Work, studying, or settling in Dubai: whatever your agenda is, the most important thing in making your move smooth is having all your documents attested by the respective government authorities. Here we’ll guide you to the UAE Embassy Attestation in Delhi.

Dubai is a city of giant skyscrapers and excellent malls for shopping with a very fast business, and dramatic environment defining its culture. But before you begin with this all-new life in Dubai, your documents have to be attested through Dubai attestation. This is necessitated for people coming to Dubai for work, study or business. In case they are not properly attested, then UAE may not recognize the document presented by you, which can lead to some long-sought delays or who knows, you may find yourself stuck in some legal tangle.

The Different Types of Documents for Dubai Attestation

The types of documents that are to be attested are three. They include the educational, non-educational, and commercial documents.

Educational Documents

These types of documents are basically for those who are planning to study or work in Dubai as an individual or an expatriate.

  • Requirements: Original education certificate, passport copy, passport-sized photographs, and academic records.
  • Procedure: Verification is followed by attestation from a Notary Public of the university/board which has issued it. Subsequently, the attestation would be done by the Ministry of Education, and Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), further from the UAE Embassy in Delhi and the last attestation, when the documents reach Dubai would be done by MOFA.

Non-Educational Documents

This is generally the personal purposes like applying for a family visa, and school registration of the children.

  • Documents Required: Some common personal documents are- birth certificates, marriage certificates, affidavits etc.
  • Procedure: Unlike the educational document, the non-educational document first notaries, then this notarized document needs to be verified by the respective department, and then this notarized document is attested by the MEA and the embassy of UAE. At last, the attestation of MOFA in the United Arab Emirates is to be done.

Commercial Documents

  • Requirement: This is mandatory for businesses that aspire to function in Dubai.
  • Papers needed: Commercial documents, namely company statements, incorporation certificate and power of attorney.
  • Procedure: Papers are to be approved by a notary, Commerce Chamber, Ministry of External Affairs Attestation, and United Arab Emirates Embassy Attestation in Delhi. MOFA Attestation in UAE is the final step.

Why ProAttestation is everyone’s first choice for UAE Embassy Attestation in Delhi

The attestation process can sometimes be challenging if not approached correctly. The most promising service provider in the matter of attestation of the documents, ProAttestation, can deliver overall solutions to the UAE Embassy Attestation based in Delhi and Dubai Attestation. Being customer-driven, Pro Attestation ensures that all of your documents are well taken care of and legal requirements are met.Papers are to be approved by a notary, Commerce Chamber, Ministry of External Affairs Attestation, and United Arab Emirates Embassy Attestation in Delhi. MOFA Attestation in UAE is the final step.

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